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Showing posts from December, 2011

What makes a good Ryu?

Most characters in the game by their very nature have an implied mandate as to how they 'should' be played; Guile is focused on  defense , Sagat is a zoner and the twins excel at solid, sustained  rush-down . Ryu however, does not come with any such disclaimer. He can turtle just as well as Guile, or zone in a similar fashion to Sagat . His rushdown may not equal that of the twins, but in the hands of a master he can come very close. Having played against a plethora of styles and templates throughout the past three iterations of the game, the writer is of the firm belief that the best players are able to use him aggressively .  This is of course  the greatest challenge of all since Ryu does not possess any reliable 'get-in-quick' moves to fluster the opponent at will. This is a fundamental shortcoming of the character that opponents are all too well aware of. Almost every other character in the game has one or more such moves to position themselves (often safely)...