Update: This article is no longer applicable as SF4 is now Steamworks-enabled as of the release of Ultra Street Fighter 4. Update : Confirmed working under Windows 8.1. Windows 8 is a worthy upgrade ($39.99 if you upgrade on the Microsoft website) - but does SSF4 AE play nicely with it? By default, AE will not start under Windows 8, due to the outdated GFWL client Steam installs when you first run it. Follow these steps to correct the error: 1. Install Steam, download SSF4 AE as per normal. 2. When you first launch SSF4, it will install the Direct X framework 3.5 as well as an old version of the GFWL client. Win 8 may ask to download .net Framework 3.5 - hit yes/OK. 3. Once the preliminary installation steps are completed and you run the game for the first time, the game will crash to a black screen with "An unhandled error occurred (-1)". You will need to alt-tab back to desktop and quit the game from task manager. 4. Navigate to programs and features by r...